As I was walking in the alley in my office on Friday , I noticed the food committee meeting in the conference room, which gave the birth to this blog. In the knowledge economy the main assets of the companies are people, to maintain and run these assets at the optimum levels, organizations has to use some life lines which are as important as other functions.
These life lines which takes care of the employee from the time he enters into the office to the moment he leaves. Read in an email, though the companies are a non living entities, there is lot of life in them apart from the people. Off course people are the main life lines in an organization but in my organization five such life lines which are helping people to do the intended tasks. This looked as perfect example of how companies provide these life lines to the employees to make them better professionally and personally.
First and foremost is the ‘intellectual’ which is the main life where the knowledge is shared across the people in the form of Monday meetings, Friday Discussion Forum, Project meetings, Project discussions, Game changer series on wide varied topics, Web conferences with across the world, these have become an integral part of the organization. They allow in understanding the innumerable points, weigh the options, identify the problems and arrive at the actions.
Next life line is the ‘body’ for which food is the fuel, we are served with an hygienic food constituting salads,fruits,curds and carbs in the afternoon and snacks in the evening. A food committee is constantly looking at the opinions of the employees and keeps changing the caterers to suite the taste buds. Diet is an important element for a human body which allows to think better to perform better.
Next life line is the exercise and yoga, this has become a life of few engineers. I fear if yoga stops, they may stop feeling better. For last four years very few Mon-Wed-Fri days are left without a yoga class. Breathing and stretching makes wonders to individuals. As the company is spending time and resource, lot more people need to participate in this program.
Next life line is the mind and thoughts, we had four-five IP skill programs conducted in last four years, given by different personalities with the backgrounds varied from the Defence, HR and Spirituality. No doubt these skill sets have changed some of the lives forever for producing better thoughts, better discipline and better equipped to face all kinds of challenges.
Last life line is the soul, which gives the mission, vision and values in our organization. Every six months either from the chairman, VP or MD will give a corporate presentation showing the vision of the company its objectives , achievements and forthcoming challenges. This puts all on the same board to have one common objective.
In my view these five life lines have become panch koshas in the form of Vignanmaya ( intellect),Annamaya ( body), Pranamaya (Breath and Yoga) Manomaya ( mind) and Anandmaya ( soul). Company has provided access to each of these levels to perform better.
There are another five important functions in any organization they are HR, Admin, Finance, Quality and System Admin. The above panch koshas will not function properly without these support functions. These guys just relentlessly serve the organization to a team which is bigger than any other team within and many a times their services needs more appreciation than they are.